Underfloor Plenum Testing

Underfloor Leakage Testing

Data centers, server rooms, and computer labs are more commonly utilizing underfloor plenums as a way to distribute air and maintain proper cable management. While this can be a very effective method for climate control, it can also be inefficient if proper plenum pressurization is compromised. The results include wasted energy / higher operational costs, poor system performance, and reduced comfort levels in the space.

Research Air Flo can work with the installing contractors to ensure the plenum is properly sealed and tested. We can identify problem areas and help work through solutions to bring your systems to peak performance.

Feel free to contact Research Air Flo to discuss Underfloor Plenum Testing on your project today!


Research Air Flo, Inc. is certified by NEBB and TABB. We offer a full time staff of engineers to review reports and insure a quality report is provided to our clients in a timely fashion.