It gives me great pleasure to endorse Research Air Flo, Inc. as a test and balance contractor. I am doubly happy to acknowledge you as a professional resource that I use for guidance and insight in my role as an engineer.
My endorsement comes from our working relationship over the last 20 years. Over that time span, we have executed large and small laboratory projects: projects in the international spotlight and those that matter only to the owners. Yet you treat each project the same: you give each project the same commitment to achieving the design results and you work as an advocate for the finished project. Each time you have been proactive in identifying issues as well as bringing potential solutions as recommendations.
It is because of how well we have worked in the past that I have come to depend on your professional guidance. No matter the balancing issue, you give me good guidance on what I might expect the actual conditions to be depending on my design decisions. I know I can always trust your input.